
我想与我的主进程并行运行函数continuoulsy。我该如何在python?multiprocessing?线程或线程模块中执行? 我是新来的python.Any帮助非常感谢。


>>> import sys
>>> class MyLogger(object):
...     def __init__(self, callback):
...             self._callback = callback
...     def write(self, text):
...             if 'log' in text:
...                     self._callback(text)
...             sys.__stderr__.write(text)   # continue writing to normal stderr
>>> def the_callback(s):
...     print('Stderr: %r' % s)
>>> sys.stderr = MyLogger(the_callback)
>>> sys.stderr.write('Some log messagen')
Stderr: 'Some log message'
Some log message
>>> sys.stderr.write('Another messagen')
Another message




它绝对取决于你的目标,但我建议看看线程模块。 关于使用threadingmultithreading有很多好的StackOverflow问题(例如,多进程与线程Python)。


import threading  # Threading module itself 
import Queue      # A handy way to pass tasks to your thread 

job_queue = Queue.Queue()
job_queue.append('one job to do')

# This is the function that we want to keep running while our program does its thing
def function_to_run_in_background():
    # Do something...here is one form of flow control 
    while True:
        job_to_do = job_queue.get()  # Get the task from the Queue
        print job_to_do              # Print what it was we fetched 
        job_queue.task_done()        # Signal that we've finished with that queue item

# Launch the thread...
t = threadingThread(target=function_to_run_in_background, args=(args_to_pass,)) 
t.daemon = True  # YOU MAY NOT WANT THIS: Only use this line if you want the program to exit without waiting for the thread to finish 
t.start()        # Starts the thread 
t.setName('threadName') # Makes it easier to interact with the thread later 

# Do other stuff 
print "I am still here..."
job_queue.append('Here is another job for the thread...')

# Wait for everything in job_queue to finish. Since the thread is a daemon, the program will now exit, killing the thread. 


import thread

def function(a):

thread.start_new(function, (1,)) # a is 1 then
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/55211.html

上一篇: continuosly running function in background in python

下一篇: jython multithreading