SNS getEndpointAttributes Returns Old Data After EventEndpointUpdated Event

When attaching a topic to a SNS application's "Endpoint updated" configurable topic I'm experiencing some unexpected behavior. Per AWS's documentation on SNS Application Events, I should receive an event on my configured topic when a platform endpoint has been updated to disabled or it's token changed.

In my case I have a lambda function subscribed to this topic that then retrieves the platform endpoint's attributes via a call to AWS's javascript sdk SNS.getEndpointAttributes so that I can check what attribute have changed to either delete the endpoint or update the associated token in my persistent storage. This call however is returning the endpoints as Enabled = true which then prevents me from taking the corrective actions. However if I look in the AWS SNS console I can see the endpoint has been disabled as Enabled = false .

Have others experienced similar inconsistencies and if so what's the best practice to get around them? Thanks for any input!


上一篇: 广告不可用(无填充)

下一篇: SNE getEndpointAttributes在EventEndpointUpdated事件后返回旧数据