How to fetch Custome Ads through AdMob?

Problem Statment:

  • I have a tempalate ad and there are follwoing supported files inside it.

    .HTML .JS .CSS

  • Created Intrestitial Ads through House ads on AdMob dashboard :

    Steps performed: .Successfully created ads through Monetize and Campiagns sections. .Checked the Preview Ads and my add is getting fetched. .Copy the App ID and Ad unit ID

  • The ad is getting Disapproved because of Adsense policy for Google.

  • Can anyone suggest, what settings I need to do so that my ads gets approved. Secondly, if not then is there any way by which we can show are custom ads through AdMob.

    Note: This is my test app.

    Please can anyone suggest on this.

    Use NativeAds to support your color design.


    上一篇: 从AdMob应用连接Firebase应用

    下一篇: 如何通过AdMob获取Custome广告?