async.series inside an asynchronous grunt task

I have a grunt tasks which runs asynchronously (using this.async) as I have asynchronous functions in the code. I also want few tasks to run in series so I am using async.series from async npm module. Problem is that when I reach the last callback of async.series ie function(err, result), I call a done() to inform that the asynchronous grunt task has been successfully completed, it fails sometimes and passes sometimes. I cannot seem to understand it. Here is the code:

grunt.registerTask('aggCompJSON', function(){
  var done = this.async();
  var resultFile = {};  // final JSON object
  var groupJSON = {};   // groups JSON object

        // get Application Configuration
        __getAppConfig(grunt, callback);

        // generate Component_map
        __genCompMap(grunt, callback);
  ], function (err, result){

I get the following error:

Fatal error: ENOENT, open 'logs/app.log'

and also sometimes a success. Any input is appreciated. Thanks

PS None of the functions return error. The err object in the last callback is always null .

Thanks for your help @RodrigoMedeiros. Yes you were right, I was trying to require a module in one of the functions and it was behaving unexpectedly. The fix is to just check what statements might cause errors because of asynchronous execution of grunt task. In my case I removed those statements, they were unnecessary.


上一篇: nodeJS设计模式打破异步流水或promise.then

下一篇: 异步grunt任务内的async.series