Unable to iterate over (actual) results in Spotify API search
The number of returned results in Spotify API varies with different values of offset and limit. For instance:
playlists.total= 164
playlists.total= 177
playlists.total= 156
https://api.spotify.com/v1/search query=madonna&offset=100&limit=50&type=playlist
playlists.total= 163
The real problem is that some items are missing when iterating over the results. This can be easily reproduced as follows:
Make the following request:
The response returns albums.total=27 and 20 items.
Make another request to get the next page:
The response returns albums.total=21 and 1 item. (6 missing items!)
Make the same request with offset=0 and limit=30
The response returns albums.total=27 and 27 items, which is correct.
This happens in all searches for albums, artist, tracks and playlists. A few people (including myself) reported it as a (critical) bug in the Spotify issue tracking system.
I just wonder if there is any reliable way of iterating over the results of a search.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/55576.html