Machine Learning in Game AI

In the old days of gaming, I'm sure simple switch/case statements (in a sense) would have done just fine for most of the game "AI." However, as games have become increasing complex, especially at the 3d leap, more complex algorithms are needed. My question is, are actual machine learning algorithms (like reinforcement learning) used in game AI at this point? Or is that still mostly only in research projects at universities (which I have been exposed to)?

If not actual machine learning algorithms, then what is driving bleeding edge commercial game AI? Is it simply highly complex but static (non-ML) algorithms that are able to cover most of the possibilities? And if so, what actual types of algorithms are used?

I've always been curious about this, thanks!

Edit: After thinking about it some more I can further clarify a bit. How do the agents in the game make decisions? If they are not using actual learning algorithms real-time, was a learning algorithm perhaps used in the development stages to produce a model (static algorithm), and that model is then used to make decisions in the game? Or was a static algorithm for decision making hand-coded in a sense?

EDIT : Note that this answer is over half a decade old now - machine learning has made a lot of progress in that time and it's likely that what is used in games has also changed. Original answer follows.

I think you're overestimating the capabilities of most modern game AI; which is great, because that's exactly what modern game developers are hoping for. They invest time into making the system appear more intelligent than it is, for example by having the AI characters talk about what they're going to do, or by occasionally following pre-set scripts that perform a complex series of tasks.

If not actual machine learning algorithms, then what is driving bleeding edge commerical game AI? Is it simply highly complex but static (non-ML) algorithms that are able to cover most of the possibilities?

There are actually very few possibilities usually. As mentioned in another answer, there is typically a finite state machine at work. eg. A typical enemy in a shooting game may be in one of the following states: idle, alert (they know there is trouble near), hunting (they are seeking an enemy), attacking (they can see the enemy and engage it), and fleeing (they are attempting to escape from an enemy). Transitions between the states can be simple events such as a noise being heard, an opponent being seen, a health value dropping below a certain threshold, etc. Very trivial, really.

Implementation of each state can usually be decomposed into a small number of simple actions, eg. move to position, look in direction, shoot at target, etc. These low level activities are well-documented and widely used. (eg. A* search for pathfinding, vector mathematics for steering and orientation.) All of these building blocks work just as well in 3D as they did in 2D, for the most part.

Additionally, the more complex-looking AI is often scripted, which is to say that the behaviour is pre-programmed in a simple programming language to work in a very specific game situation. Scripts for specific situations can make assumptions about the environment (eg. the location of cover to hide behind, the proximity of allies and enemies, etc) and can provide very specific goals accordingly. More general scripts can be triggered by a set of predetermined event types (eg. Enemy Seen, Ally Killed, Unidentified Noise Heard) and very simple responses written in each case (eg. IF > 75% THEN attackNearestEnemy ELSE fleeToSafety).

...was a learning algorithm perhaps used in the development stages to produce a model (static algorithm), and that model is then used to make decisions in the game?

This is quite common in situations that are modelling vehicles, such as racing games - you might feed an algorithm the race track as a series of points and inputs based on those points, and get a learning algorithm to develop a strategy that completes the laps in the best time. Eventually you can ship that with the game. But that is a simple mapping from a small number of inputs (angle of road ahead, proximity of obstacles, current speed) to a small number of outputs (desired speed, desired steering), which lends itself well to machine learning. Games that simulate human behaviour can rarely fall back on these simple function approximations, so we tend to rely on manual simulation of distinct behavioural states.

Sometimes there could be a hybrid approach, where the finite state machine transitions could be trained to be more optimal, but that is unlikely to figure in very many games in practice, since realistic transitions are usually trivial for a designer to implement.

A large number of games just use finite state machines

There are some really good resources on the net on this:


  • There is no point having ML in games, at least most consumer games anyway, because the AI would very easily become too hard to beat and thus not enjoyable for the player. A lot of the effort in game AI falls into three parts: the first is allowing the computer to cheat. ie the AI usually knows where the player is and knows in advance the best routes around the environment. This is necessary otherwise the AI would be be fumbling down dead ends all the time, which isn't great. The other main effort in AI work is to make the NPCs dumb enough for the player to beat. It is quite easy for AI to be written to always beat the player (think of Half Life where you face a team of marines), the hard part is balancing the appearance of AI with playability. The final part is making sure the AI only takes up a limited amount of resources - both in terms of CPU time and memory usage.

    Another minus point to using ML is that the state of the AI needs to be stored between sessions, otherwise the AI will have to start from scratch every time. On a PC this isn't a problem, but consoles used to have very limited long term storage which ruled out saving the state information.

    An example of AI 'cheating': In Transport Tycoon, the AI companies were never charged for modifying the height of the terrain. I know this because I ported it to the Mac many years back.

    The first FPS I did, the AI always headed towards the player, but the direction would be weighted using a random sample from a normal distribution, so most of the time the direction was towards the player, but occasionally the direction was way off - it helped the AI get out of dead ends. This was in the days before there was enough CPU grunt to do A* searching.


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