Minmax Algorithm for tic

I am writing a minmax algorithm as the artificial intelligence for a tic-tac-toe game, I followed the similar instruction here, but the algorithm seems not intelligent enough, even though I tried to search deeper in the tree, can anyone help to analyze where goes wrong? thank you very much in advance!

- (int) miniMax:(int)depth : (UIImage*) player {
    NSMutableArray *steps = [self generateMoves];

    if (depth == 0 || [steps count] == 0) {
        return [self evaluate];

    int bestScore = player == myImg ? -1000000 : 1000000;
    int currentScore = 0;
    for (UIImageView *step in steps) {
        step.image = player;
        if (player == myImg) {
            UIImage *opp = player == xImg ? oImg : xImg;
            currentScore = [self miniMax:depth - 1 :opp];
            if (currentScore > bestScore) {
                bestScore = currentScore;
                nextStep = step;
        } else {
            UIImage *opp = player == xImg ? oImg : xImg;
            currentScore = [self miniMax:depth - 1 :opp];
            if (currentScore < bestScore) {
                bestScore = currentScore;
                nextStep = step;
        step.image = NULL;

    return bestScore;

- (int) evaluate {
    int score = 0;
    score += [self evaluateLine:img0 :img1 :img2];
    score += [self evaluateLine:img3 :img4 :img5];
    score += [self evaluateLine:img6 :img7 :img8];

    score += [self evaluateLine:img0 :img3 :img6];
    score += [self evaluateLine:img1 :img4 :img7];
    score += [self evaluateLine:img2 :img5 :img8];

    score += [self evaluateLine:img2 :img4 :img6];
    score += [self evaluateLine:img0 :img4 :img8];
    return score;

- (int) evaluateLine:(UIImageView*)img1 :(UIImageView*)img2 :(UIImageView*)img3 {
    int score = 0;
    // first cell
    if ([img1 image] == myImg) {
        score = 1;
    } else if ([img1 image] == oppImg){
        score = -1;

    // second cell
    if ([img2 image] == myImg) {
        if (score == 1) {
            score = 10;
        } else if (score == -1) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            score = -1;
    } else if ([img2 image] == oppImg){
        if (score == -1) {
            score = -10;
        } else if (score == 1) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            score = -1;

    // third cell
    if ([img3 image] == myImg) {
        if (score > 0) {
            score *= 10;
        } else if (score < 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            score = -1;
    } else if ([img3 image] == oppImg){
        if (score < 0) {
            score *= 10;
        } else if (score > 1) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            score = -1;

    return score;

What I use here is: if there exits the same image as the human player holds, the score plus 1. If there are two or three player's image in a line or row or diagonal, the total score is 10 and 100 separately. If there exist both 'X' and 'O' in a same row, column or diagonal, the score is 0. Computer holds the negative score for these mentioned above.

Minimax assumes that the evaluation function is from the perspective of the first player. What you want is a function that always have a higher value if the first player is better.

It seems that your heuristic function adapts its value based on the current player (I am not an objective-C programmer). Change that function so that it does not know what myImg or oppImg is -- use xImg and oImg directly. Might just work.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/56370.html

上一篇: 带有Alpha的MinMax

下一篇: 用于抽象的Minmax算法