tic tac toe using alpha beta prunning in java
I am trying to play tic tac toe using iterative Alpha-Beta prunning, I have one second limit for a move but for some reason it doesnt work well.
I modified the regular alpha-beta code so instead of returning alpha or beta, it returns a state (which is the board with the next move)
Each time I create children I update their depth.
But again for some reason I keep losing and I see that my alpha beta doesnt see the best move to make.
Here is my code:
The outer loop:
while (watch.get_ElapsedMilliseconds() < 900 && d <= board.length * board[0].length - 1)
s = maxiMin(beginSt, d, watch);
if (s.getNextMove().getIsWin() == true)
return new location(s.getNextMove().getRow(), s.getNextMove().getCol());
The alpha beta:
public State maxiMin(State s, int depth, Stopwatch timer)
if (s.getDepth() == 7)
if (timer.get_ElapsedMilliseconds() > 850 || s.getDepth() == depth || goalTest(s.getBoard()) != 0)
s.evaluationFunc(line_length, PlayerShape);
return s;
LinkedList<State> children = createChildren(s, true);
// No winner, the board is full
if (children.get_Count() == 0)
s.evaluationFunc(line_length, PlayerShape);
return s;
while (children.get_Count() > 0)
State firstChild = children.get_First().get_Value();
State tmp = miniMax(firstChild, depth, timer);
int value = tmp.getBeta();
if (value > s.getAlpha())
if (s.getAlpha() >= s.getBeta())
return s;
return s;
public State miniMax(State s, int depth, Stopwatch timer)
if (s.getDepth() == 7)
if (timer.get_ElapsedMilliseconds() > 850 || s.getDepth() == depth || goalTest(s.getBoard()) != 0)
s.evaluationFunc(line_length, PlayerShape);
return s;
LinkedList<State> children = createChildren(s, false);
// No winner, the board is full
if (children.get_Count() == 0)
s.evaluationFunc(line_length, PlayerShape);
return s;
while (children.get_Count() > 0)
State firstChild = children.get_First().get_Value();
State tmp = maxiMin(firstChild, depth, timer);
int value = tmp.getAlpha();
if (value < s.getBeta())
if (s.getAlpha() >= s.getBeta())
return s;
return s;
Would appriciate much if anyone can tell me if something is wrong. I suspect maybe it something to do with that I am returning "s" instead of the regular alpha beta which returns the evaluation but I didnt manage to find the error.
Thanks in advance,
Firstly tic-tac-toe is a very simple game, and I believe it is solvable with a much simpler code, mainly because we know there is always a tie option and the total number of states is less then 3^9 (including symmetrical and many impossible states).
As for your code I believe one of your problems is that you don't seem to increment your depth in the recursive calls.
you also have many issues of bad style in your code, you separated miniMax and MaxiMin into two functions though they are fundamentally the same. you iterate over a collection by removing elements from it as opposed to using for-each or an iterator(or even an int iterator).
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/56394.html上一篇: 使用Alpha迭代深化Negamax