Python error calculating

I am having a problem with my code here. The error that I am receiving is on the bottom. I have to enter payroll in and calculate pay with overtime or without.

enter code here ####################### Functions ######################## def Input(): try: name=raw_input("Enter your first and last name: ") titlename=name.title() except: return Input

def Hours(): try: wHours=raw_input("Enter the hours you worked this week: ") except: if wHours < 1 or wHours > 60: print "Employees' can't work less than 1 hour or more than 60 hours." return lstEmp

def Pay(): try: pRate=raw_input("Enter your hourly wage: ") except: if pRate < 6 or pRate > 20: print "Employees' wages can't be lower than $6.00 or greater than $20.00." return pay

def calcHours(pr,h): if h <= 40: pr * h else: (h -40) *(pr *1.5) + pr * 40 return lstEmp

def end(): empDone=raw_input("Please type DONE when you are finished with employees' information: ") empDone.upper() == "DONE"

#################### MAINLINE CODE

lstEmp=[] Names=""

while True: Names=Input()

gPay=calcHours(WorkHours, Wages)

if end():

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 53, in gPay=calcHours(WorkHours, Wages) File "", line 29, in calcHours pr * h TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'

In Input, Hours and Pay, you assign to a variable of the same name as the functions; perhaps you mean to return these values instead?

gPay=calcHours(Hours, Pay)

You meant WorkHours , which is what you called the variable; Hours is still the function, that returned it. There are plenty of other places in the code where you've changed the variable names so they don't match any more.

Also +1 gnibbler's comment. That's really not what try does, and you should never use except without a particular Exception. The bit you might want to put in the try is a conversion to integer:

def getHours():
    while True:
        hours= raw_input("Enter the hours you worked this week: ")
            hours= int(hours)
        except ValueError:
            print "That's not a number, type it proper."
        if not 1<=hours<=60:
            print "Employees must work between 1 and 60 hours."
        return hours

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