Nexmo Messaging API

I am working on an sms feature by the Nexmo package. i however ran into a difficulty that i cant solve. I have the following code in my rooutes php

Route::get('/sms/send/{to}', function(NexmoClient $nexmo, $to){

    $message = $nexmo->message()->send([
        'to' => '0725959830',
        'from' => '0791179389',
        'text' => 'Sending SMS from Laravel. Woohoo!'
    Log::info('sent message: ' . $message['message-id']);

Then with this i get an error:

Target [NexmoClientCredentialsCredentialsInterface] is not instantiable while building [NexmoClient].

Any ideas please


上一篇: Laravel 5.2 Socialite Facebook API登录重定向错误

下一篇: Nexmo消息API