我有一个Django问题。 我想将我的django服务器上来自浏览器或业务逻辑的数据发送到另一个django服务器或者只是同一个服务器,但不同的端口来处理请求。 我能怎么做? 我试图实现使用套接字,但它似乎没有工作。
Following is my code: accept the client's request: def im(request): userp = None try: userp = UserProfile.objects.get(user = request.user) except: pass if not userp: return HttpResponse("error") print '111' if request.method == "GET": import json msg = json.loads(request.GET.get('msg')) try: msg['from_id'] = userp.id if msg.get('type', '') == 'sync': #页面同步消息 msg['to_id'] = userp.id push_msg(msg) return HttpResponse("success") except: return HttpResponse("error") #return HttpResponseRedirect("") return HttpResponse("error") helper.py:push_msg: def push_msg(msg): print '111' params = str(msg) headers = {"Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept":"text/plain"} conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/cgi-bin/query", params, headers) url(r'^push_msg/$', 'chat.events.on_message') events.py:on_message def on_message(request): msg = request.POST.get('msg') msg = eval(msg) try: print 'handle messages' from_id = int(msg['from_id']) to_id = int(msg['to_id']) user_to = UserProfile.objects.get(id = msg['to_id']) django_socketio.broadcast_channel(msg, user_to.channel) if msg.get('type', '') == 'chat': ct = Chat.objects.send_msg(from_id=from_id,to_id=to_id,content=data['content'],type=1) ct.read = 1 ct.save() except: pass
使用python requests模块来做这个请求,然后使用httplib2有更多的功能,并且它很容易使用http://docs.python-requests.org/
我使用httplib2来完成类似的事情。 从httplib2文档中尝试:
import httplib2
import urllib
data = {'name': 'fred', 'address': '123 shady lane'}
body = urllib.urlencode(data)
h = httplib2.Http()
resp, content = h.request("http://example.com", method="POST", body=body)
然后,您应该能够在第二台django服务器中处理POST ,并将适当的结果返回给第一台django服务器。
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/56543.html上一篇: How to send request from one django server to another server
下一篇: what's wrong with this method for csrf token with ajax form post in django?