how to use one validation function many times "bash centos"

I want to use only one validation function many times. I tried to make a validation function like beneath. How can I fix my code and use the validation function like this one many times?

function numberValidate {
    if [[ $1 =~ $digit ]];
          echo "$1 is number. Correct";
          echo “Enter only numbers”;
printf “Enter the number 1 ”; read n1;
numberValidate $n1
printf “Enter the  number 2”; read n2;
numberValidate $n2


Don't use recursion when a loop will do:

inputNumber () {
    local digit='^[[:digit:]]+$'
    read $n
    until [[ ${!n} =~ $digit ]]; do
        echo "Enter only numbers"
        read $n
printf "Enter the number 1 "; inputNumber n1
printf "Enter the number 2 "; inputNumber n2

The preceding moves all the input into the validation function, and takes advantage of the fact that variables set in a function are global by default. The argument to inputNumber is the name of the variable to set.

inputNumber () {
    local digit='^[[:digit:]]+$'
    if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then
       read -p "Please enter a number for ${outputvar} "
       read -p "$* " n
    until [[ "${n}" =~ $digit ]]; do
        read -p "Enter only numbers " n
    printf -v "${outputvar}" '%s' "$n"

inputNumber n1 "Enter the number 1"
inputNumber n2 "Enter the number 2"
inputNumber n3
echo "n1=${n1} n2=${n2} n3=${n3}"

Question in a comment: How to reuse these? When you like functions like this one, you can collect them in files and put them in a dedicated directory. Perhaps choose ${HOME}/shlib as a folder and create files like iofunctions, datefunctions, dbfunctions and webfunctions (or,, and Next you can source the files with a dot:

$ head -2 ${HOME}/shlib/iofunctions
# This file should be included with ". path/iofunctions"
function inputnumber {

$ cat ${HOME}/bin/
# Some settings
# Include utilities
. "${shlibpath}"/iofunctions
# Let's rock
inputNumber rockcount How many rocks
# call an imaginary function that only accepts y and n
inputyn letsdoit Are you sure

You can put the functions (or source the function files) in your .profile/.bashrc, but that will give problems when you want to start the script in crontab (and you will get used to the functions and forget that inputNumber is not a standard bash function).
Another question is how you can refer to another directory that is on the same level as your script file (not a fixed path). Including ../shlib/iofunctions will fail when you start your script using a path (like bin/ ). A good question with many answers, I can't tell which is the best:
How to set current working directory to the directory of the script?
Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within
Reliable way for a bash script to get the full path to itself?
How to set current working directory to the directory of the script?
how to get script directory in POSIX sh?


上一篇: 在它所在的文件夹中运行.command文件?

下一篇: 如何多次使用一个验证功能“bash centos”