Get the application's path

I've recently searched how I could get the application's directory in Java. I've finally found the answer but I've needed surprisingly long because searching for such a generic term isn't easy. I think it would be a good idea to compile a list of how to achieve this in multiple languages.

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There's a fine distinction between the directory that contains the executable file and the current working directory (given by pwd under Unix). I was originally interested in the former but feel free to post methods for determining the latter as well (clarifying which one you mean).

In Java the calls




return the current working directory.

The call to


returns the path to the JAR file containing the current class, or the CLASSPATH element (path) that yielded the current class if you're running directly from the filesystem.


  • Your application is located at

  • Open the shell (cmd.exe) and cd to C:testsubdirectory.

  • Start the application using the command java -jar C:MyJar.jar .

  • The first two calls return 'C:testsubdirectory'; the third call returns 'C:MyJar.jar'.

  • When running from a filesystem rather than a JAR file, the result will be the path to the root of the generated class files, for instance


    The path does not include the package directories for the generated class files.

    A complete example to get the application directory without .jar file name, or the corresponding path to the class files if running directly from the filesystem (eg when debugging):

    String applicationDir = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); 
    if (applicationDir.endsWith(".jar"))
        applicationDir = new File(applicationDir).getParent();
    // else we already have the correct answer

    In .NET (C#, VB, …) , you can query the current Assembly instance for its Location . However, this has the executable's file name appended. The following code sanitizes the path ( using System.IO and using System.Reflection ):


    Alternatively, you can use the information provided by AppDomain to search for referenced assemblies:


    VB allows another shortcut via the My namespace:


    In Windows , use the WinAPI function GetModuleFileName(). Pass in NULL for the module handle to get the path for the current module.


    上一篇: 如何获取正在运行的JAR文件的路径?

    下一篇: 获取应用程序的路径