Passing parameters to a Bash function

I am trying to search how to pass parameters in a Bash function, but what comes up is always how to pass parameter from the command line.

I would like to pass parameters within my script. I tried:

myBackupFunction("..", "...", "xx")

function myBackupFunction($directory, $options, $rootPassword) {

But the syntax is not correct, how to pass a parameter to my function?

There are two typical ways of declaring a function. I prefer the second approach.

function function_name {


function_name () {

To call a function with arguments:

function_name "$arg1" "$arg2"

The function refers to passed arguments by their position (not by name), that is $1, $2, and so forth. $0 is the name of the script itself.


function_name () {
   echo "Parameter #1 is $1"

Also, you need to call your function after it is declared.

#!/usr/bin/env sh

foo 1  # this will fail because foo has not been declared yet.

foo() {
    echo "Parameter #1 is $1"

foo 2 # this will work.


./ line 2: foo: command not found
Parameter #1 is 2

Reference: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.

Knowledge of high level programming languages (C/C++/Java/PHP/Python/Perl ...) would suggest to the layman that bash functions should work like they do in those other languages. Instead, bash functions work like shell commands and expect arguments to be passed to them in the same way one might pass an option to a shell command (ls -l). In effect, function arguments in bash are treated as positional parameters ( $1, $2..$9, ${10}, ${11} , and so on). This is no surprise considering how getopts works. Parentheses are not required to call a function in bash.

( Note : I happen to be working on Open Solaris at the moment.)

# bash style declaration for all you PHP/JavaScript junkies. :-)
# $1 is the directory to archive
# $2 is the name of the tar and zipped file when all is done.
function backupWebRoot () {
    tar -cvf - $1 | zip -n .jpg:.gif:.png $2 - 2>> $errorlog &&
        echo -e "nTarball created!n"

# sh style declaration for the purist in you. ;-)
# $1 is the directory to archive
# $2 is the name of the tar and zipped file when all is done.
backupWebRoot () {
    tar -cvf - $1 | zip -n .jpg:.gif:.png $2 - 2>> $errorlog &&
        echo -e "nTarball created!n"

#In the actual shell script
#$0               $1            $2

backupWebRoot ~/public/www/

Miss out the parens and commas:

 myBackupFunction ".." "..." "xx"

and the function should look like this:

function myBackupFunction() {
   # here $1 is the first parameter, $2 the second etc.

上一篇: Ant FTP任务失败

下一篇: 将参数传递给Bash函数