Loading and modifying svg within Inkscape plugin
I am currently writing an Inkscape plugin using Python. Within this plugin, I would like to load a template (an existing svg) from the plugin folder and access some objects within this template by name or key. Then I would like to change the border and/or fill color of the object and add some text to it. How would I do this using the python scripting interface of inkscape? I found just a few examples (see below) on how to write a plugin for inkscape, but they all work on existing, already opened documents.
Can you use lxml?
t = etree.parse("path/test.xml")
You could then either
directly -- this can be done from python without actually opening inkscape. Your tree could be saved with t.write("filename")
to the currently open document using self.document.getroot().append(t)
Also, this is not what you asked for, but may come in useful: an inkscape plugin that allows you to write short python snippets from within Inkscape: http://www.smanohar.com/inkscape.php
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/56946.html上一篇: 将inkscape svg转换为raphael问题
下一篇: 在Inkscape插件中加载和修改svg