hbase.MasterNotRunningException while creating table in Hbase

ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException: Retried 7 times

I got this error when I am creating the table in HBase. I am giving like in following way to create the table by using HBase. I type the following command on console.

create 'test', 'cf'

I got the above mentioned error. What would be the reasons for getting this error? I am trying this table in standalone system.

this happens only if your namenode is in safe mode, so just enter the following command :- hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

this command worked for me all ways, try it for you.

you should check hadoop and hbase logs. it seems hdfs does not started correctly. as codingFoo said you should wait about 1 minute after starting hdfs before starting hbase. after starting hbase check http://:60010 to see what is going on in your machines

I was having the exactly same error. After spending lots of hours struggling, it is finally resolved just by writing 'ubuntu' besides hostname in the /etc/hosts file. ie your-hostname ubuntu.

Obviously, this solution might work for you only if you are using Ubuntu.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/57110.html

上一篇: ConcurrentDictionary乐观并发的Remove方法

下一篇: 在Hbase中创建表时hbase.MasterNotRunningException