Matplotlib: Grab Single Subplot from Multiple Subplots
I have an application where I have one figure with nine line plot sub-plots (3x3) and I want to let the user select one of the charts and have a small wx Python application open up to allow editing and zooming on the specified sub-plot.
Is it possible to grab all the information from the selected sub-plot, ie axis labels, axis formatting, lines, tick sizes, tick labels, etc and plot it quickly on the canvas of the wx application?
My current solution is too long and bulky, as I just re-do the plot that the user selects. I was thinking something like this, but it doesn't work quite right.
#ax is a dictionary containing each instance of the axis sub-plot
selected_ax = ax[6]
wx_fig = plt.figure(**kwargs)
ax = wx_fig.add_subplots(111)
ax = selected_ax
Is there a way to save the properties from getp(ax) to a variable and use selected properties of that variable with setp(ax) to construct a new chart? I feel this data must be accessible somehow, given how quickly it prints when you call getp(ax), but I can't even get the following code to work on an axis with two y-axes:
label = ax1.yaxis.get_label()
I have a feeling this isn't possible, but I thought I would ask anyways.
Unfortunately, cloning an axis or sharing artists between multiple axes is difficult in matplotlib. (Not completely impossible, but re-doing the plot will be simpler.)
However, what about something like the following?
When you left-click on a subplot, it will occupy the entire figure, and when you right-click, you'll "zoom out" to show the rest of the subplots...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
for ax, color in zip(axes.flat, ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c']):
ax.plot(range(10), color=color)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_click)
def on_click(event):
"""Enlarge or restore the selected axis."""
ax = event.inaxes
if ax is None:
# Occurs when a region not in an axis is clicked...
if event.button is 1:
# On left click, zoom the selected axes
ax._orig_position = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85])
for axis in event.canvas.figure.axes:
# Hide all the other axes...
if axis is not ax:
elif event.button is 3:
# On right click, restore the axes
for axis in event.canvas.figure.axes:
except AttributeError:
# If we haven't zoomed, ignore...
# No need to re-draw the canvas if it's not a left or right click
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