Global constants file in Swift
In my Objective-C projects I often use a global constants file to store things like notification names and keys for NSUserDefaults
. It looks something like this:
@interface GlobalConstants : NSObject
extern NSString *someNotification;
@implementation GlobalConstants
NSString *someNotification = @"aaaaNotification";
How do I do exactly the same thing in Swift?
IMO the best way to deal with that type of constants is to create a Struct.
struct Constants {
static let someNotification = "TEST"
Then, for example, call it like this in your code:
Edit: If you want a better organization I advise you to use segmented sub structs
struct K {
struct NotificationKey {
static let Welcome = "kWelcomeNotif"
struct Path {
static let Documents = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] as String
static let Tmp = NSTemporaryDirectory()
Then you can just use for instance K.Path.Tmp
I am abit late to the party.
No matter here's how i manage the constants file so that it makes more sense to developers while writing code in swift.
struct APPURL {
private struct Domains {
static let Dev = ""
static let UAT = ""
static let Local = ""
static let QA = ""
private struct Routes {
static let Api = "/api/mobile"
private static let Domain = Domains.Dev
private static let Route = Routes.Api
private static let BaseURL = Domain + Route
static var FacebookLogin: String {
return BaseURL + "/auth/facebook"
struct FontNames {
static let LatoName = "Lato"
struct Lato {
static let LatoBold = "Lato-Bold"
static let LatoMedium = "Lato-Medium"
static let LatoRegular = "Lato-Regular"
static let LatoExtraBold = "Lato-ExtraBold"
struct Key {
static let DeviceType = "iOS"
struct Beacon{
static let ONEXUUID = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
struct UserDefaults {
static let k_App_Running_FirstTime = "userRunningAppFirstTime"
struct Headers {
static let Authorization = "Authorization"
static let ContentType = "Content-Type"
struct Google{
static let placesKey = "some key here"//for photos
static let serverKey = "some key here"
struct ErrorMessage{
static let listNotFound = "ERROR_LIST_NOT_FOUND"
static let validationError = "ERROR_VALIDATION"
struct AppColor {
private struct Alphas {
static let Opaque = CGFloat(1)
static let SemiOpaque = CGFloat(0.8)
static let SemiTransparent = CGFloat(0.5)
static let Transparent = CGFloat(0.3)
static let appPrimaryColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(Alphas.SemiOpaque)
static let appSecondaryColor =
struct TextColors {
static let Error = AppColor.appSecondaryColor
static let Success = UIColor(red: 0.1303, green: 0.9915, blue: 0.0233, alpha: Alphas.Opaque)
struct TabBarColors{
static let Selected = UIColor.white
static let NotSelected =
struct OverlayColor {
static let SemiTransparentBlack =
static let SemiOpaque =
static let demoOverlay =
You can wrap these all files in a common group named Constants in your Xcode Project.
And for more watch this video
Although I prefer @Francescu's way (using a struct with static properties), you can also define global constants and variables:
let someNotification = "TEST"
Note however that differently from local variables/constants and class/struct properties, globals are implicitly lazy, which means they are initialized when they are accessed for the first time.
Suggested reading: Global and Local Variables, and also Global variables in Swift are not variables
链接地址:上一篇: 两个背景音乐问题
下一篇: 全局常量文件在Swift中