How to install firefox addon mozrepl on Web hosting server

I have perl script for scrapping which uses WWW::Mechanize::Firefox and firefox addon MozRepl .

Now, i need to deploy it on a web hosting server. The problem is that the they don't provide any interface or UI terminal so that i can launch firefox and launch it from there .

Can anyone tell me a way to install MozRepl addon in Firefox from the shell or by any other means

You can use the python tool used, CFX, to develop the SDK and addons to automate installing of addons. In the future, we'd like to be able to install addons with the Firefox binary command line flags

@Stevie G

Yes i have used TightVNC server/viewer to connect to server with GUI, and then installed the required modules using the interface.


上一篇: 用无头Firefox和Geb / Selen登录问题

下一篇: 如何在虚拟主机服务器上安装firefox addon mozrepl