Login problems with headless firefox and Geb / Selenium

I have problem with a groovy (Geb) script accessing a website and it's login mechanism. On a Mac and a PC with non-headless Firefox all is working well. On a headless linux (Debian or Ubuntu) it does not work - I tried on a AWS micro & small as well as a Raspberry Pi.

On the headless machines the script can connect to the server and I can print details of the page but it looks like the login has no effect.

I installed Firefox and XVFB with apt-get. Do I have to "activate" session handling or a cookie store for login to work?

You shouldn't have to do anything special for a headless setup, it should work the same way it does on a non-headless box so I would blame your test box setup here.

Did you use GebReportingSpec and had a look at the screenshots to see what the headless browser is seeing during a test?

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/57518.html

上一篇: 安装WWW :: Mechanize :: Firefox时出现问题

下一篇: 用无头Firefox和Geb / Selen登录问题