PHP shorthand logical operators AND and OR

Possible Duplicates:
PHP - and / or keywords
PHP shorthand syntax

Quick question. I keep seeing shorthand expressions in libraries around the place, and despite having been a PHP developer for over 3 years, I struggle to quite see how the following would evaluate.

What exactly does the PHP interpreter do with the following shorthand lines of code when it encounters them?

    defined('foo') OR exit('foo is not defined!');

    $foo AND $this->bar();

I'm guessing that it' obviously conditional execution - ie the second statement won't get executed unless the first bit is true... but the use of the bitwise operators confuse me a bit.

Can someone elaborate?

Thanks :)

Back when I was learning PHP I remember reading the 'do or die' style commands and not fully understanding them at the time, the classic example is:

mysql_connect() or die('couldn't connect');

Bear in mind that the conditions will only run if they're required, for example:

if (a == b && b == c)

Here b == c will only be tested if a == b. The same theory applies to or:

if (a == b || b == c)

Now b == c will only be tested if a != b.

In this case you are relying on this order to run a command (exit or $this->bar()) in certain conditions.

Be Aware... exit() is a bad idea in this circumstance - if you exit('something went wrong') there's nothing anyone can do to hide this error from the user, also it's likely to issue a 200 OK HTTP status where a 500 Internal Server Error would be much more appropriate, I would consider something more like:

defined('foo') OR throw new Exception('foo is not defined!');

Here you have a chance to either catch the Exception or at least let PHP catch it and issue a 500 status.


I believe that this is a form of short-circuit evaluation:

Essentially, when evaluating an entire expression, the interpreter short circuits once it is certain of the result. For example:

true OR do_something();

This expression never calls do_something() because the first operand of OR is true, so the entire expression must be true.

Much less elaborate than you think. The or keyword is the same as || , except it has lower precedence. See the corresponding PHP page for details.

The actual execution of this statement relies on a separate concept involving logical operators: short circuiting. This means that, in the case of or , the second statement is not evaluated if the first statement turns out to be true. (Since in a conditional, for instance, the entire condition would return true without ever needing to see the second half.)


上一篇: “或”在PHP中是什么意思?

下一篇: PHP简写逻辑运算符AND和OR