how to get data back?

I have a profile page that contains a series of images. I want to use jQuery to allow the user to delete an image from the server and have the page update without reloading the entire page. When it's successful, it will remove the image's containing div from the page. My delete function is PHP; fairly simple:


if (isset($_POST['id'])) {     
    if (unlink($_POST['id'])) { 
        echo "success";
    else { 
        echo "failure"; 

(There's already user authentication in place just to get them to the page that calls delete.php.)

Here's the html of one displayed image - there can be up to 5 of these chunks one after another:

<div class="box">
  <img src="uploads/t_10DOT_22C_1111_1300370702_3.jpg" /> 
  <h5><a rel="external" href="uploads/10DOT_22C_1111_1300370702_3.jpg">See full version</a></h5> 
  <a href="#" id="10DOT_22C_1111_1300370702_3.jpg" class="delete" onclick="return ConfirmDelete();" >x</a>
  <div class="clear"></div> 

My jQuery so far looks like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

$(function() {
$(".delete").click(function() {
var commentContainer = $(this).parent();
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var string = 'id='+ id ;

   type: "POST",
   url: "delete.php",
   data: string,
   cache: false,
   success: function(data){
    commentContainer.slideUp('slow', function() {$(this).remove();});


return false;

The part I'm concerned with is the ajax post. How does the success part actually work? What do I need to do in my php file so that ajax knows whether the delete was a success or failure?

Once an ajax post request has finished executing the file you sent the request to, if there was no error, the code you add in the "success" section is executed, in this case

success: function(data){
  /*The code you need*/

The previous part if where the code is executed, the "data" variable contains anything you return from your php file, it can be data, it can be a simple "true" or "false", you choose what to send to let your jQuery know if it was successful.

Hope this helps a bit.

Edit Note:

  if ( applyData.toString() == 'invalid' ){
    $('#pollError').html('Global styles cannot be modified.');
    $('#pollNotice').html('The changes to the style have been applied.');

The previous example is a live example of what you can do inside the function in the "success" event. There I handle an "invalid" status and otherwise it's successful, after that I refresh a couple DIVs in case of invalid or update a single DIV in case of success.

This is the php that executes:

if ( !$db->isGlobal($id_css)){
  $data['id_poll'] = $id_poll;
  $data['id_css'] = $id_css;
  $data['css'] = $css;
  echo 'invalid';

You've two obvious options I can think of:

  • Your returned text should appear in the data parameter supplied to your success callback function - however you'll probably also need to make sure it's in a format compatible with the MIME Content-Type returned by your PHP, or jQuery might complain that it can't parse it, or:

  • Send back a 5xx Failure type message from your PHP using the header() function if the delete didn't work. That should then trigger an AJAX error callback, which you'll need to supply.

  • From delete.php return whether the delete succeeded or not. In the success even check for that data and handle it appropriately.



    上一篇: 允许重复的用户名

    下一篇: 如何获取数据?