django: Is it possible to log a user into a subdomain, from another domain?

The thing is. I have one django app serving different sites.

The users login via a 3rd party SSO system which is then redirected(inkl. a valdiation POST) to

However. since my users all belong to only 1 "site" i would like to log the user into the relevant site, ex. or and then redirect them to that site…

Is this at all possible?? or should i go about this in a totally different way? :)

I should mention that when it comes to the general usage of the app I have subdomain middleware to ensure that the users always only visit the subdomain(and data) that their account is valid for.

The reason I want to use subdomains is to make it simple for the users to remember their account url, while maintaining the pros of having to maintain just one django app.

thanks. hope you can help :)

kind regards.


In Django you have the notion of sites. You can create your own log in view. If it's not enough, you can create your own authentification backend.

I know this question is old, but since Google brought me here I'll add these links

This answer touches on (A) authentication across subdomains and (B) detecting which subdomain is in use to potentially redirect the user

A.1. If you want to allow all (wildcard) subdomains * , this is achieved by adding one line to


(Note it now won't work on localhost)

Detailed here (SO, 2009), here (SO, 2010) and in Django docs

A.2. If you want to allow cross-authentication between just those two subdomains , ie, they won't be logged into , then it gets a bit more complicated

B. To view the subdomain being used There are fancier packages to manage subdomains in django, but you could just look crudely at request.META['HTTP_HOST']:

    http_host = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
except KeyError:
    print "Can't find HTTP_HOST"

if http_host:
    if '.myapp.' in http_host:
        subdomain = http_host.split('.myapp.')[0]
        subdomain = ''

Then check if you're happy with the request.user using this subdomain . Use something like HttpResponseRedirect to send them to a different subdomain if you like. If you've done A.1 or A.2 above, in your app's eyes, they're the same user (already logged in) in the new after being redirected (they don't have to log in again).

Example: if a user creates an account with and you want to keep them always on that site, then when they try to visit, they'll still be logged in, you can identify them and send them back to (fictitious example, not a metaphor for immigration!)


上一篇: Django针对不同的URL进行不同的身份验证

下一篇: django:是否有可能将用户从另一个域注册到子域中?