Change username for authenticated user in django User model

After authentification with social auth plugin, plugin create new user with not beauty usernames like sergey.kostin.345, I know that some users has a nice shorturls on the social media platforms and its ok for default behavior but I want to give user ability to change user names. As far as I understand django auth system does not let me to change User.username field by using methods. I also tried to change this field by using this code, but it seems to be ignoring in django.

owner = User.objects.get (
owner.username = newusername     

owner is authenticated user

That would work, but there's no need to get the user again. request.user is already the user object.

owner = request.user
owner.username = newusername    

上一篇: Django远程服务器认证

下一篇: 在django用户模型中更改经过身份验证的用户的用户名