Mongo Triple Compound Index

If you have a double compound index { a : 1, b : 1}, it makes sense to me that the index won't be used if you query on b alone (ie you cannot "skip" a in your query). The index will however be used if you query on a alone.

However, given a triple compound index { a : 1, b: 1, c: 1} my explain command is showing that the index is used when you query on a and c (ie you can "skip" b in your query).

How can Mongo use an abc index on a query for ac, and how effective is the index in this case?


My use case is that sometimes I want to query on a,b,c and sometimes I want to query on a,c. Now should I create only 1 index on a,b,c or should I create one on a,c and one on a,b,c?

(It doesn't make sense to create an index on a,c,b because c is a multi-key index with good selectivity.)

bottom line / tl;dr: Index b can be 'skipped' if a and c are queried for equality or inequality, but not, for instance, for sorts on c .

This is a very good question. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that authoritatively answers this in greater detail. I believe the performance of such queries has improved over the last years, so I wouldn't trust old material on the topic.

The whole thing is quite complicated because it depends on the selectivity on your indexes and whether you query for equality, inequality and/or sort, so explain() is your only friend, but here are some things I found:

Caveat : What comes now is a mixture of experimental results, reasoning and guessing. I might be stretching Kyle's analogy too far, and I might even be completely wrong (and unlucky, because my test results loosely match my reasoning).

It is clear that the index of A can be used, which, depending on the selectivity of A, is certainly very helpful. 'Skipping' B can be tricky, or not. Let's keep this similar to Kyle's cookbook example:

        Coq au Vin
        Roasted Chicken

If you now ask me to find some French dish called "Chateaubriand", I can use index A and, because I don't know the ingredient, will have to scan all dishes in A . On the other hand, I do know that the list of dishes in each category is sorted through the index C , so I will only have to look for the strings starting with, say, "Cha" in each ingredient-list. If there are 50 ingredients, I will need 50 lookups instead of just one, but that is a lot better than having to scan every French dish!

In my experiments, the number was a lot smaller than the number of distinct values in b : it never seemd to exceed 2. However, I tested this only with a single collection, and it probably has to do with the selectivity of the b -index.

If you asked me to give you an alphabetically sorted list of all French dishes , though, I'd be in trouble . Now the index on C is worthless, I'd have to merge-sort all those index lists. I will have to scan every element to do so.

This reflects in my tests. Here are some simplified results. The original collection has datetimes, ints and strings, but I wanted to keep things simple, so it's now all ints.

Essentially, there are only two classes of queries: those where nscanned <= 2 * limit , and those that have to scan the entire collection (120k documents). The index is {a, b, c} :

// fast (range query on c while skipping b)
> db.Test.find({"a" : 43, "c" : { $lte : 45454 }});
// slow (sorting)
> db.Test.find({"a" : 43, "c" : { $lte : 45454 }}).sort({ "c" : -1});
> db.Test.find({"a" : 43, "c" : { $lte : 45454 }}).sort({ "b" : -1}); 

// fast (can sort on c if b included in the query)
> db.Test.find({"a" : 43, "b" : 7887, "c" : { $lte : 45454 }}).sort({ "c" : -1});

// fast (older tutorials claim this is slow)
> db.Test.find({"a" : {$gte : 43}, "c" : { $lte : 45454 }});

Your mileage will vary.

You can view querying on A and C as a special case of querying on A (in which case the index would be used). Using the index is more efficient than having to load the whole document.

Suppose you wanted to get all documents with A between 7 and 13, and C between 5 and 8.

If you had an index on A only: the database could use the index to select documents with A between 7 and 13 but, to make sure that C was between 5 and 8, it would have to retrieve the corresponding documents too.

If you had an index on A, B, and C: the database could use the index to select documents with A between 7 and 13. Since the values of C are already stored in the records of the index, it could determine whether the correponding documents also match the C criterion, without having to retrieve those documents. Therefore, you would avoid disk reads, with better performance.


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