What is the difference between :: and

Possible Duplicates:
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?
In PHP, whats the difference between :: and -> ?

When you try to access property of method inside class whats the difference between :: and -> and is there full reference of operators related to object oriented programming in php somewhere?

The :: is for static properties and methods, eg


The -> is for when you have an object instantiated from the class, eg

$myObject = new MyClass;

When using :: you can access a Class method statically without creating an instance of the class, something like:


You would use -> on an instance of a Class, something like:

$class = new Class();

It's the difference between static and dynamic properties and methods.

Observe this piece of code to appreciate the difference:

class MyClass {

    protected $myvar = 0;
    public static  $othervar = "test";
    public function start($value)
         // because this is not static, we need an instance.
         // because we have an instance, we may access $this
         $this->myvar = $value;

         // although we may still access our static variable:
         echo self::$othervar;

    static public function myOtherFunction ($myvar)
        // its a static function, so we're not able to access dynamic properties and methods ($this is undefined)

        // but we may access static properties
        self::$overvar = $myvar;

Literature for your conveinience:

  • http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php
  • What are static and dynamic variables / methods in OOP?
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/58014.html

    上一篇: > myMethod的(); vs MyClass :: myMethod();

    下一篇: ::和。之间的区别是什么?