PHP difference in accessing class methods


$foo::bar() is a call of the static method bar() , that means the object $foo was not instanciated by the __construct() method.

When calling $foo->bar() , the object $foo has to be instanciated before! Example:

$foo = new Foo; // internally the method __constuct() is called in the Foo class!
echo $foo->bar(); 

Often you don't call a static method on a existing object like in you example ( $foo ), you can call it directly on the class Foo:


With the first one


you call (object) methods, whereas with


you call class (static) methods.

Its possible to call class methods on objects. That is, what your second example does. So this

$foo = new Foo;

is identical to


or even

$classname = get_class($foo);

Update: Missed something $foo can also just be a string with a classname.

$foo = 'Baz';
$foo::bar(); // Baz::bar();

上一篇: include和require在Ruby中有什么区别?

下一篇: 访问类方法的PHP区别