PHP foreach loop =>

This question already has an answer here:

  • What does “=>” mean in PHP? 6 answers

  • That is a key-value-pair enumeration. Basically, it's iterating over the collection $fields and at each iteration, it binds the variable $a to the key, and the variable $b to the value.

      foreach($fields as $a => $b)
          // iterates over all key-value pairs in the collection $fields
          //   at each iteration (for each key-value pair in the collection)
          //   $a is bound to the key
          //   $b is bound to the value

    If you had an associative array like this:

      $collection = array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three');

    Then the following loop would print: 1: one; 2: two; 3: three; 1: one; 2: two; 3: three;

      foreach($collection as $key => $value)
          echo $key.': '.$value.'; ';

    nor do I understand the use of these variables(if they are variables) in the sprint() function.

    For the second part of your question, the sprintf function essentially generates a formatted string based on the format pattern, and the variables given. So:

    sprintf("%20s: %sn", $b, $_REQUEST[$a]);
               ^           ^     ^
               |           |     +--- second variable parameter
               |           |                                |
               |           +---- first variable parameter   |
               |                                       |    |
               |                                       V    V
               +----------- string format            "%20s: %sn"

    returns a formatted string that outputs a:

  • right-justified, space padded, fixed width (20 character) string representation of the first parameter (variable $b which as explained above is the value in the key-value enumeration),

  • followed by colon,

  • followed by a space, and then

  • followed by the string representation of the second parameter ( $_REQUEST[$a] which is a value from the $_REQUEST array, indexed by the value of the variable $a , which again, as explained above, is bound to the key in the key-value pair enumeration)

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    上一篇: 什么= =在PHP中的意思?

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