Bluetooth mouse/keyboard emulation

I'm having a hard time finding a software that would emulates a Bluetooth keyboard (and/or mouse) that follows HID standard. I've already found one, but I couldn't get it working:

I'm only interested in a solution that uses HID standard so that other machines can immediately recognize the soft as Bluetooth hid device, without the need of any pre-installed softwares. (Running under Windows or Linux if possible.)

Would it be possible to write a code in java to emulate Bluetooth hid devices?

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks!

It's been a while since you asked the question, but I'm going to add this answer anyway, it may help you or someone else.

I'm also interested in Bluetooth HID emulation, ideally from within some Java/Android code. However, I came across this Python-based script/project:

I've not tried this code myself, but from what I can see, the script is reasonably easy to follow. It currently only supports the PS3's six-axis controller, but maybe you (or I, if I ever get the time) could adapt the Nokia project's Keyboard and Mouse routines into the Python script (or convert it to Java/Groovy, which is my ultimate goal ;-) ).



It's not you are searching for but for Android devices.


You need rooted device. Unfortunately it doesn't work on my Nexus S - Cyanogen 9

btkbdd does this for Linux with Bluez. See:


上一篇: 虚拟HID(人机接口设备)的代码示例

下一篇: 蓝牙鼠标/键盘仿真