在python 3中重新建立掉线的蓝牙连接

我已经使用内置套接字库在Python 3中编写了一个模拟蓝牙键盘(由RPi执行)的小程序。 尽管有一个特点,它仍可以正常工作

当真正的蓝牙键盘连接到设备时,设备和键盘都会以某种方式记住其他设备。 当键盘被关闭并重新启动时,它会自动重新连接到启动,而不必明确触发它。 (我试图再次连接到设备[没有绑定,听,接受],但它不工作)

那么,我该如何实现这样的行为呢? 启动脚本时,它应该在设备站点上没有手动连接请求的情况下进行连接。


import socket
import subprocess
import dbus

class btsSocket():
#define some constants
P_CTRL =17  #Service port - must match port configured in SDP record
P_INTR =19  #Service port - must match port configured in SDP record#Interrrupt port  

def __init__(self, btAddress, btUuid, btServiceRecordUrl, btDeviceName, btDeviceClass):

    self._init_bluez_profile(btUuid, btServiceRecordUrl) #set up a bluez profile to advertise device capabilities from a loaded service record
    self._init_bt_device(btDeviceName, btDeviceClass) #configure the bluetooth hardware device


#configure the bluetooth hardware device
def _init_bt_device(self, deviceName, deviceClass):

    #set the device class to a keybord and set the name
    subprocess.call(["hciconfig", "hcio", "class", deviceClass])
    subprocess.call(["hciconfig", "hcio", "name", deviceName])

    #make the device discoverable
    subprocess.call(["hciconfig", "hcio", "piscan"])

#set up a bluez profile to advertise device capabilities from a loaded service record
def _init_bluez_profile(self, uuid, serviceRecordUrl):

#listen for incoming client connections
def _listen(self, address):

    self.scontrol = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_L2CAP)
    self.sinterrupt = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_L2CAP)

    #bind these sockets to a port - port zero to select next available
    self.scontrol.bind((address, self.P_CTRL))
    self.sinterrupt.bind((address, self.P_INTR))

    #Start listening on the server sockets 
    self.scontrol.listen(1) # Limit of 1 connection

    self.ccontrol, cinfo = self.scontrol.accept()
    print ("Got a connection on the control channel from " + cinfo[0])

    self.cinterrupt, cinfo = self.sinterrupt.accept()
    print ("Got a connection on the interrupt channel from " + cinfo[0])

#send a string to the bluetooth host machine
def send_string(self, message):

创建此类的对象将Pi设置为聆听模式,直到用相应菜单中的设备(我想要连接到该设备)进行导航,搜索附近的蓝牙键盘(又名Pi)并单击它。 打开它时,真正的蓝牙键盘才会连接(如果它之前已正确连接)。

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/58321.html

上一篇: reestablish dropped bluetooth connection in python 3

下一篇: Bluetooth socket returns WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT