Install gem on demand

I would like to install a gem (JSON) on the client side, but only if hasn't been installed already (some 1.9 Ruby distros have JSON bundled).

I couldn't find a clue on how to do that from gem help install . And running gem install json on a Windows system with Ruby 1.9 installed (with JSON bundled) results in

    ERROR:  Error installing json:
    The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools.

-- it tries to install it ignoring the fact that the gem is already there.

And I can't do bash tricks like grepping gem list output because the client might be Windows.

So what's the multiplatform way of installing a gem only if it's not present in the system already?

This may work...

  require "json"
rescue LoadError
  system("gem install json")

If you don't want to require "json", you can remove it from $LOAD_PATH.

Or, put as a one liner:

ruby -e 'begin; require "some_gem"; rescue LoadError; system "gem install some_gem"; end'

To ask if a gem is installed:

gem list --installed "^json$"

To install a gem if it's needed:

ruby -e '`gem list -i "^json$"`.chomp=="true" or `gem install json`'

To make a command line script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Ruby script to install a gem if it's needed.
# This script first uses gem list to see if the
# gem is already installed, matching the exact name.
# If the gem is installed, then exit.
# If the gem is not installed, then install it.
# You can this script whatever you like;
# I call mine gem-install-fast because it's
# faster than re-installing a gem each time.
# Example:
#    gem-install-fast json
name=ARGV[0] and `gem list -i "^#{name}$"`.chomp=="true" or `gem install #{name}`

To use the command line script:

gem-install-fast json

gem update json

应该只在必要时安装在我的Windows 7系统上

C:Ruby193bin>gem update json
Updating installed gems
Updating json
Fetching: json-1.6.6.gem (100%)
Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed json-1.6.6
Updating multi_json
Fetching: multi_json-1.2.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed multi_json-1.2.0
Gems updated: json, multi_json
Installing ri documentation for json-1.6.6...
Installing ri documentation for multi_json-1.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for json-1.6.6...
Installing RDoc documentation for multi_json-1.2.0...

C:Ruby193bin>gem update json
Updating installed gems
Nothing to update


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下一篇: 按需安装宝石