RESTful Speech to Text Service

I'm looking for a RESTful Speech to Text service for iOS that will allow me to attach an audio file to a POST request (with an API like AFNetworking ), then receive a text response of the translated text. The AT&T API for Speech to Text seems interesting, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation about working with Objective-C.

Are there any such services, free/paid, that would offer the ability to "translate" an audio file into text through a POST request?

How about using the Nexiwave API? I've heard some pretty great stuff about it.

One option is using Google Chrome API. Refer to

You can recognize using flac(or speex)-encoded audio recording.

I don't know whether it's free or not for commercial product. But you can use it for testing and development purpose.

Try API is here:


上一篇: 如何将音频文件作为google语音输入到文本API?

下一篇: 对文本服务的RESTful语音