C# Continuation Monad Implementation

I have been working on allowing function chaining. I have created a class called continuationmonad which takes a value, and a function from a => b. This allows me to use fmap and bind to chain these together. I have also used lazy to allowed calls to be defered where possible.

Is this class really the continuation monad or is it something else. I am finding it hard to find good literature which is not is Haskell.

Also any comments on how to improve / correct this.

using NUnit.Framework;
using System;

namespace Monads

    public class Continuation<Input, Output>{
        public Continuation(Input value, Func<Input,Output> function){
            this.value = new Lazy<Input>( () => value);
            this.function = function;

        public Continuation(Lazy<Input> value, Func<Input,Output> function){
            this.value = value;
            this.function = function;

        public Continuation<Output, Result> FMap<Result>(Func<Output, Result> map){
            return new Continuation<Output, Result>(new Lazy<Output>( () => Run() ), x => map(x));

        public Continuation<Output,Result> Bind<Result>(Func<Output, Continuation<Output, Result>> f){
            return f(Run());

        public Output Run(){
            return function(value.Value);

        private Func<Input, Output> function;
        private Lazy<Input> value;

    public static class ContinuationExtension{
        public static Continuation<A,B> Unit<A,B>(this Func<A,B> f, A value){
            return new Continuation<A, B>(value,f);

        public static Continuation<A,B> Unit<A,B>(this A value,Func<A,B> f){
            return new Continuation<A, B>(value,f);

    public class MonadTests

        public Continuation<int,int> Wrapped(int value){
            return new Continuation<int,int>(value, x => x * 10);

        public void ContinuationMonadTests()

            var number = 42;
            var result = number.Unit(x => x + 8).FMap(x => x * 2).Bind(Wrapped).Run();


This is not the continuation monad. You are much closer to the Haskell Monad instance for functions.

You aren't getting anything that you couldn't get just from using Lazy<> . Since you have provided the input when you build an instance of your class, you aren't building functions, you are building values that are determined by a computation that hasn't been evaluated yet. Lazy<> delays the evaluation of computation until the value is needed.

Let's put together something like the Haskell Monad instance for functions in c#. LINQ syntax has established the convention for Monad s in c#. They should have:

  • a Select extension method analogous to a Haskell Functor 's fmap
  • a SelectMany extension method analogous to Haskell's Monad 's >>=
  • an additional SelectMany that LINQ syntax uses. This takes an additional function that combines the value from two steps together.
  • Unfortunately, there's no convention for what the analog of a Monad 's return should be called; we'll call ours Constant . Unfortunately, Constant won't be very convenient because c#'s type inference won't be able to figure out the types.

    public static class Function
        public static Func<TIn, TOut> Constant<TIn, TOut>(TOut result)
            return x => result;
        public static Func<TIn, TOut> Select<TIn, TMid, TOut>(
            this Func<TIn, TMid> func,
            Func<TMid, TOut> proj)
            return x => proj(func(x));
        public static Func<TIn, TOut> SelectMany<TIn, TMid, TOut>(
            this Func<TIn, TMid> func,
            Func<TMid, Func<TIn, TOut>> proj)
            return x => proj(func(x))(x);
        public static Func<TIn, TOut> SelectMany<TIn, TMid1, TMid2, TOut>(
            this Func<TIn, TMid1> func,
            Func<TMid1, Func<TIn, TMid2>> proj1,
            Func<TMid1, TMid2, TOut> proj2)
            return x => {
                var mid1 = func(x);
                var mid2 = proj1(mid1)(x);
                return proj2(mid1, mid2);

    Note that defining these extension methods only lets you interact with something like it's a Monad , it doesn't let you write code that's generic over the specific Monad being used. There's a sketch of how to do that in the second half of this answer.

    This might be a bit opinion based but I'll try to give you my 5ct anyway.

    Let's have a look at your class and their instances:

    It includes a value and a function where you (tried) to make it all a lazy. From a theoretical view I can see no difference to Lazy<T> on first glance:

    You can surely convert one of your Continuation<Input,Output> to just a Lazy<Output> .

    The same is true for the reverse: given some lazy value a you can make a instance with just

    new Continuation(a, x => x)

    So to me it seems that you just reinvented Lazy (which is an monad, in Haskell you would call it Identity .

    The Cont monad is not really easy to crasp but it's really more related to .net-Events or .net-Observables. The datastructure itself would be like

    Func<Func<Input,Output>, Output>

    Where you pass in a continuation Func<Input,Output> to some internal calculation and then the struture than will call it when it has calculated an input Input to get the final result.

    This might be a bit cryptic but one .net application are the Async workflows F# uses and which stood model for C#s async/await behaviour in some sense.

    I have some material I used for a talk on a simpified version of this monad in C# on github maybe you'll find it interesting.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/58766.html

    上一篇: STM与fclabels

    下一篇: C#连续Monad实现