Need a twitter API that gets tweets in a specific location given its coordinates
I am trying to find a Java-based API that can be used with Restful webservices for Twitter that would allow me to get tweets given their location, and their dates..but I am more concerned with searching given their geographical location (latitude and longitude)
I've already been using Twitter's official API, which does what I need except that it doesn't get me any tweets older than 1 week.
Does anyone know any API which could help me ?
Thank you
I'm afraid you actually can't get tweets older than one week. According to the official API specification the results you can retrieve entail tweets that are up to 6-9 days old. Please keep in mind that the Search API is not a complete index of all Tweets, but instead an index of recent Tweets.
I also assume that you already know how to use the API to get tweets for a given location so I won't explain you that.
What I can suggest though is reading this article which points at websites like Snap Bird and Topsy. I don't think they have an API that you can use though and they don't do geo-search, so I'm afraid you won't be able to achieve your goal.
对此可能的解决方案之一是对twitter API调用返回的结果进行本地归档,并将推文保存在数据库中,以便日后将其作为旧推文使用,但这只会在归档时提供旧推文将开始