Sending datas to multiple tables

I'm trying to do a chat system, I'm having troubles with it, my ideia is the following:
When the user send a message, this message has to be saved in 2 tables in my database... But it isn't working, the message is saving in only one table.

public function sendMessage()

    $data = $this->request->data();
    $sessionId = $data['idSession'];
    $userId = $this->request->session()->read('');
    $msg = $data['message'];
    $typeMessage = $data['type'];
    $messageTable = TableRegistry::get('messages');
    $messageAllTable = TableRegistry::get('mensage_alls');
    if ($typeMessage == 1)
        $message['session_private_id'] = $sessionId;
        $message['session_id'] = $sessionId;
    $message = array_merge($message, array(
        'user_id' => $userId,
        'message' => $msg,
        'created_at' => new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")),
    $messageEntity = $messageTable->newEntity();
    $messageEntity = $messageTable->patchEntity($messageEntity, $message, ['validate' => false]);
    $resposta = $messageTable->save($messageEntity);
    return $this->response;

I'm a beginner in CakePHP, so, don't need to call me a dumb.
Thanks since now. And sorry for my bad english.

Ignoring the reason why you'd want to duplicate the data (it doesn't sound like a good thing generally speaking), the reason it doesn't work is you never saved it to the 2nd table. You need to call something at minimum like:

$resposta = $messageTable->save($messageEntity);
$messageCopy = $messageAllTable->newEntity($messageEntity);
$respostaCopy = $messageAllTable->save($messageCopy);
$this->response->body($resposta && $respostaCopy);

If you meant you want to to always automatically copy to a secondary table, then you could instead add a Behavior to the main Message Table. For example, a bare-bones version would look like:

In MessageTable.php:

namespace AppModelTable;

use CakeORMTable;

class MessageTable extends Table

    public function initialize(array $config)
        // Add this line

And create a src/Model/Behavior/CopyMessageBehavior.php:

namespace AppModelBehavior;

use CakeORMBehavior;

class CopyMessageBehavior extends Behavior
    public function copyMessage(Entity $entity)
        $messageAllTable = TableRegistry::get('mensage_alls');
        $messageCopy =messageAllTable->newEntity($messageEntity);
   public function beforeSave(Event $event, EntityInterface $entity)

上一篇: ASP.NET MVC为每个动作都输出outputcache

下一篇: 将数据发送到多个表