What does an asterisk mean at the beginning of an AHK script's line?

I'm trying to modify an AHK script I like but don't quite completely understand.

What does the asterisk mean at the beginning of this line of script?


Does the pair of colons at the end mean this line is only part of the statement? Does it continue to the next line?

Fires the hotkey regardless of the modifiers being held down.


Wildcard: Fire the hotkey even if extra modifiers are being held down. This is often used in conjunction with remapping keys or buttons. For example:

Win+C, Shift+Win+C, Ctrl+Win+C, etc. will all trigger this hotkey.

*#c::Run Calc.exe  

Pressing Scrolllock will trigger this hotkey even when modifer key(s) are down.

*ScrollLock::Run Notepad 

Edit: Hm, didn't see the second part.

If you have a single statement, you put it all on one line like above. If you have multiple statements, you must put a newline after the :: and have a return at the end.

#w:: MsgBox "Windows+W FTW"
  MsgBox "Windows+Q FTW"
  MsgBox "Another annoying message box!"

I have a way of using the capslock key as a modifier that I like better:

     ;; make capslock a modifier, make shift-capslock a true capslock
     setcapslockstate, OFF ;SetCapsLockState, alwaysoff

     $*Capslock::   ; $ means that the hotkey code shouldn't trigger its own hotkey
       Gui, 99:+ToolWindow 
       Gui, 99:Show, x-1 w1 +NoActivate, Capslock Is Down 
       keywait, Capslock 
       Gui, 99:Destroy 

     ; Made a window show up when the capslock is pressed.

     ; Now, if that hidden windown is there, do anything you like
     #IfWinExist, Capslock Is Down 

     ; Oh, by the way, right-alt and capslock works like real capslock
     ralt & Capslock::
       GetKeyState, capstate, Capslock, T
       if capstate = U
        SetCapsLockState, on
       } else {
        SetCapsLockState, off

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/59134.html

上一篇: 联邦快递api航运

下一篇: 在AHK脚本的开头部分,星号是什么意思?