<?= in PHP development

Possible Duplicate:
What does this symbol mean in PHP <?=
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

In some coding I've found, I've seen the author use <?= and ?> in his code. I'm wondering if this is some fancy PHP or another language. I'm eager to know the answer as I would love to learn off of this code. I believe it could be the Fuel PHP framework but I am not sure as there is no documentation for it. Thanks.

An example of it's use:


他们被称为短标签,但你应该尽可能避免使用它,因为短标签可以设置为关闭,然后你的脚本不会工作,所以使用<?php标签,http://php.net/manual /en/ini.core.php

It's just an alternate way to write the <?php ?> tags, think of it as a synonym of <?php echo SITEROOT; ?> <?php echo SITEROOT; ?> .

I believe it is a configuration item, some servers have it turned on, others don't; so it isn't 100% portable, other then that though, it is standard php functionality

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/59154.html

上一篇: <?=标记是什么意思?

下一篇: <?=在PHP开发中