GStreamer C++ on Visual Studio 2010?

Following instructions on to install GStreamer and compile tutorials/examples on Windows 7, for compilation using Visual Studio 2010.

After installing the SDKs, I try to compile the "hello world" example...

Cannot open include file: 'gst/gst.h': No such file or directory.  

Odd - the tutorials were supposedly configured with the paths to these files. Nevertheless, we can manually add them...

Add C:gstreamer-sdk.10x86includegstreamer-0.10 to project include directories

Cannot open include file: 'glib.h': No such file or directory

Add C:gstreamer-sdk.10x86includeglib-2.0 to project include directories

Cannot open include file: 'glibconfig.h': No such file or directory

At this point it seems to be a dead-end, as there isn't a glibconfig.h file anywhere on PC.

Was some step missing from the gstreamer documents?

ps I see a similar question, but its accepted answer seems to be a dead-link.

(1) Install Windows Driver Development Kit

(2) When creating new projects, use the "gstreamer" template in Visual Studio, rather than the "Windows application" template. Then it doesn't need anything changing in the include/linker settings to make #include <gst/gst.h> work properly.

Windows上的标准gstreamer安装包含glibconfig.h:(假设您的gstreamer安装位于C: gstreamer中) C:gstreamer1.0x86_64libglib-2.0include


上一篇: App Store Provisioned App在测试设备上运行

下一篇: 在Visual Studio 2010上的GStreamer C ++?