How are action methods within Magento layout xml files intended to be used
<reference name="header">
<block type="mynamespace_mymodule/view" name="mynamespace_mymodule" output="toHtml" template="mymodule/html/view.phtml">
<action method="setTest"><param1>myparam1</param1><param2>myparam2</param2></action>
class Mynamespace_Mymodule_Block_View extends Mage_Core_Block_Template{
public $test = "before any params";
public function setTest($passedparam1,$passedparam2){
$this->test = $passedparam1 ." ". $passedparam2;
echo "<pre>";
print_r($this->test); //myparam1 myparam2
mylayoutfile is compiled in an update through your modules config.xml
the block class prefix of mynamespace_module is also defined within your modules config.xml
mynamespace_module/view is set as the block type and instantiated and the output file of view.phtml is set
an action takes place that calls the parent node block's method setTest passing two parameters with the value of myparam1 and myparam2.
inside of the setTest function the class parameter "test" is set to equal "myparam1 myparam2"
the template file app/design/.../.../mymodule/html/view.phtml is loaded and we echo the value of $this->test ($this refers to the earlier instantiated block class Mynamespace_mymodule_Block_View)
in catalog.xml. Anything can be passed. Arrays can be defined in layout XML:
<action method="setFoo">
Also, argument nodes can execute a helper method, the return value of which will be passed in as the value:
<action method="setFoo">
<arbitrary helper="foo/bar" />
This would instantiate a helper & run a method: Mage::helper('foo')->bar()
. The return value could therefore be anything you want. Additionally args can be passed to the helper in child nodes!
, so yes, though the setters are the only reasonable one to use. ifconfig
attribute which will call Mage::getStoreConfigFlag()
with the provided argument and process the action if the config value is true.