Running code coverage with Cobertura and Jacoco
I have a bit of a problem getting code coverage reports for both Integration Tests and Unit Tests in Sonar for a Maven Plugin project (which uses invoker plugin for the integration tests).
I can't use the default Jacoco coverage tool for the unit tests, as these use Powermock, which results in 0% coverage for classes using that. On the other hand, I can't find a reliable way to get results for the Groovy-based integration tests without using Jacoco.
So what I need is for Cobertura to produce a Unit Test report, Jacoco to produce an Integration Test report, and for Sonar to be able to read the lot.
I tried using the example here but eliminating the executions bound to the test phase, but I then get a unit test coverage of '-' in Sonar. I think the reason for this is that to get this method to work, I need to speicify Jacoco as the core coverage tool for Sonar.
Any ideas on a way round this? My pom.xml follows:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Slice2Java Maven Plugin</name>
Since you've configure the sonar as
This means you are telling sonar to reuse the existing report from sonar.jacoco.itReportPath . If there is no existing report, there is no any coverage.
In may case, I use the cobertura and reuse its report from maven site generation. as the following configuration properties: -
I can get the reuse by using the following command :-
mvn clean install site sonar:sonar
I can reproduce your issue by using the following command :-
mvn clean install sonar:sonar
The coverage is 0%. Since there is no existing report at the report path .
Then please make sure that there is a report named "jacoco-t.exec" as specified before executing the sonar.
Since I'm not familiar with the JaCoCo and do not know which maven phase that produces thae report file. I would suggest to execute the command like the following:-
mvn clean test sonar:sonar
mvn clean install sonar:sonar
or the same as mine
mvn clean install site sonar:sonar
I hope this may help.
Charlee Ch.