sdk: Posting on user's wall

Hi I'm still learning Facebook C# SDK 5.0.3 , I`m building a facebook Apps(iFrame). I follow the sample that was attached on the SDK. I successfully run it and I want to extend it by creating a button event that every time the user click the button a "Hello World" will posted to his wall. Here's the code;

protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        var fbApp = new FacebookClient(FacebookContext.Current);
        dynamic result = fbApp.Post("/me/feed", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "message", "Hello World" } });


    catch (Exception ex)
        Msg.Text = "An error may occurred while processing your request, you may try again.";

After running this code i`m getting this error

(OAuthException) (OAuthException) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.

Please note that on my page_load event I can successfully get the user name using the sample on the Sdk package,

public FacebookSession CurrentSession
    get { return (new CanvasAuthorizer()).Session; }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        Panel1.Visible = true;
        Panel2.Visible = false;

        var auth = new CanvasAuthorizer { Perms = "user_about_me,publish_stream,offline_access" };

        if (auth.Authorize())


I suspect that i'm not getting the right access token for my button event.


var client = new FacebookClient("my_access_token");
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.message = "Check out this funny article"; = "";
parameters.picture = ""; = "Article Title";
parameters.caption = "Caption for the link";
parameters.description = "Longer description of the link";
parameters.actions = new {
    name = "View on Zombo",
    link = "",
parameters.privacy = new {
    value = "ALL_FRIENDS",
parameters.targeting = new {
    countries = "US",
    regions = "6,53",
    locales = "6",
dynamic result = client.Post("me/feed", parameters);



上一篇: Facebook C#SDK示例发布到群组墙上

下一篇: sdk:张贴在用户的墙上