Actions do not appear on timeline

I'm developing an app which publishes actions to the timeline.

On the app settings, I've created the action "post" and use the built in object type "article".

Although my graph actions have not been approved by facebook, that should not be a problem, because I am logged in as the developer of the app.

My article URLs pass facebook's linter with warnings, but no errors.

When my app notifies facebook of the the post action, it appears to succeed. Facebook returns an ID representing the action.

When I use facebook's graph explorer to view that ID, the data appears to be correct, showing the correct action type and object data. (If there's a URL to browse the action on facebook, instead of the graph explorer, I do not know what it is).

Still, with all the above apparently working without errors, I never see the action on my timeline . Whether I browse my own timeline, or when logged in as a friend and another developer of the app, I never see any indication on that the action was performed.

What am I missing to make my custom action appear on my timeline page?

I had a similar problem. I was using OG and I could post everything successfully, but the posts didn't appear in timeline, but only in the activity log in Facebook.

I just went to the settings of the action and set " Explicitly Shared: This action can specify the user explicitly shared an action. " to ON .

Then in my piece of code I put " true " to the key " fb:explicitly_shared " while creating the OG object.

If no error is being returned it sounds as if there is an issue in your public page that is preventing Facebook from knowing what to post.

Have you double checked your OG: meta tags through Facebook's validation tool [ ]. While you need all of the values to be filled in, the type bit is the most overlooked and must be setup properly to link to your particular application and corresponding action.

If your OG: data is correct and validating you should also check the detail settings for your action and aggregations. If the phrase / tense bits are not filled in Facebook may be uncertain how to make your post appear back to on the timeline.

Discoverd the problem....

My article page include an article:author tag. The URL in that tag was not visible to anonymous users. So, I'm guessing, facebook visited that author URL and received a HTTP 403.

When I removed the article:author tag, the items started appearing on my timeline.

So be careful with all tags and put all urls through facebook's debug tool.


上一篇: 在用户时间线上使用facebook javascript sdk发布

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