Include archived CRAN package in package
I'm creating an R package, and I would like to rely on the falsy package, which has recently been archived from CRAN.
With a non-archived package, one would typically add the name of the package to the Imports
list in the DESCRIPTION
file. How does one import a package that's been archived by CRAN?
Note: After contacting Gábor it seems the reason falsy is archived is due to potentially dangerous inconsistencies between native and falsy
notions of falsehood. He does not plan to unarchive the package.
is_falsy <- function(object) {
is.null(object) ||
identical(object, FALSE) ||
identical(object, 0L) ||
identical(object, 0.0) ||
identical(object, 0+0i) ||
identical(object, "") ||
identical(object, as.raw(0)) ||
identical(object, logical()) ||
identical(object, integer()) ||
identical(object, double()) ||
identical(object, complex()) ||
identical(object, character()) ||
identical(object, raw()) ||
identical(object, list()) ||
inherits(object, "try-error")
is_truthy <- function(object) {
! is_falsy(object)
`%&&%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
lres <- withVisible(eval(lhs, envir = parent.frame()))
if (is_truthy(lres$value)) {
eval(rhs, envir = parent.frame())
} else {
if (lres$visible) { lres$value } else { invisible(lres$value) }
nay <- function(rhs) {
if (is_falsy(rhs)) { TRUTHY } else { FALSY }
try_quietly <- function(expr) {
try(expr, silent = TRUE)
is the entire extent (minus roxygen comments) of the package. Why not just include it in your package?
Failing that, possibly ask Gabor if he's planning re-releasing it to CRAN or if you could take over maintenance?
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