Fontforge Scripting how to add ligatures for a glyph
I'm making a font with scripting on Fontforge. Everything goes well, but I have this problem I don't know how to specify for a selected glyph that if two other glyphs came simultaneously show the selected glyph. I have already made the Lookuptable and the subtable for that but I don't know the function that would define some ligatures for a specified glyph. Here is the code for making table and subtable for adding ligatures to a glyph.
You need to specify the Ligature substitution using a tuple of existing Glyph names. A contrived example:
ligature_name = 'f_l'
ligature_tuple = ('f', 'l')
font.AddLookup('ligatures','gsub_ligature', (),[['rlig',[['arab',['dflt']]]]])
font.AddLookupSubtable('ligatures', 'ligatureshi')
glyph = font.createChar(-1, ligature_name)
glyph.addPosSub('ligatureshi', ligature_tuple)
After you've added the lookup & subtable, do this:
AddPosSub("LigatureSubtableName", "f l")
The above FontForge script will add a fl ligature.
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