How can I tell if moodle cron is working?

I've just sended a messege to the server admin asking if he can set the cronjobs on the server and he asked me to tell him if everything is working right. How can I test whether the cronjobs are working or not?

You need to output Moodle cron run to the logfile, eg your cron.d record may look like:

* * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php >> /var/log/vle/moodle-cron.log 2>&1

Then, the content of /var/log/vle/moodle-cron.log will tell you immediately if cron running fine. If you want to go further, you can even monitor the file for the last update using some monoring tools and get alerts if cron has stopped.

It's true —as edelgado said— that if the cron job hasn't run since 24hours there will be a message in the notification page.

However, if you want to run immediately the script, you could just go to:

Where is the address of your moodle instance.

The page will show the output of the script as it is run by the server. If anything works as it should it will print similar lines at the end of the page:

Cron script completed correctly
Execution took 1.938528 seconds

Go to the Notifications page. If the cron did not run in the last 24h it will show you a message informing about that fact.


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下一篇: 我如何判断moodle cron是否正在运行?