How to treat each keyword as a prefix in Elastic Search

I am used to FTS techs doing this for me but imagine I input mongo fac into Elastic Search.

I expect it to be able to find mongo factory or mongodb something equally, however, it does not.

Assume I have a single field called title . I have three documents with the title s:

  • Mongo Factory
  • Mongodb something
  • cheese
  • I have a single boolean should clause with:

    array('prefix' => array(
        'title' => 'mongo fac'

    Using default analyzers, no special configuration, mongo factory will be found but not mongodb something .

    What I want is for monogdb something to appear in the results as well, basically for Elastic Search to tokenize the keywords; as well as searching for mongo fac it should also search for mongo and fac .

    Except for tokenizing myself what else can I do to get elastic search to work the way I want to, perferrably using their tokenizer as a means to tokenize my keywords?



    上一篇: 动态添加字段到搜索结果

    下一篇: 如何在Elastic Search中将每个关键字视为前缀