Elastic Search performing slowly

I am currently using Elastic Search version 2.4.4.

I am using a single node cluster where around 10 million data is stored. Each document consists of around 12 fields (some analyzed, some not-analyzed). Average document size is 1.5 kb.

We are using Multi-Search that consists of 6 search queries using Java API.

I have noted two different timings of Elastic Search: 1) The 'took' time in milliseconds (which is around '50ms' for each individual search query) 2) Total time taken by one Multi-Search request is around '1500ms' (I have calculated this time in Java API)

Why multi-search request time is so high as compared to the individual search queries? Can you help me figure out the reason for the time difference?

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/60140.html

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