Logging in Liferay user without password

I need to login the user in Liferay by authenticating against an external system. However, I still need to have a valid Liferay session. So, I need to login to Liferay by

  • Asking the username/password from the user
  • Use them to authenticate against the external system.
  • Use just the username (not the password) to authenticate against the Liferay login.
  • Log the user in , if the external system login is successful.
  • I did few things:

  • Auto login
  • Hooks to UserLocalService.authenticateByScreenName override
  • auth.pipeline pre and check = false
  • LoginFilter .
  • These did not work. Here is an explanation of these approaches. The idea is to include //Call external system to authenticate will be included if these methods work. Please correct where I m making the mistake and if some approach is better compared to other.

    1. Autologin:

    a. Set portal-ext.properties


    b. Create a class

    public class AutoLoginFilter implements AutoLogin {
        public AutoLoginFilter() {
        public String[] login(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse arg1) throws AutoLoginException {
    //Call external system to authenticate 
            User user =  UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByScreenName(company.getCompanyId(), login);
             credentials[0] = String.valueOf(user.getUserId());
            credentials[1] = "undefined";
            credentials[2] = Boolean.TRUE.toString();
                return credentials;

    c. Deploy the plugin project, restart the server and go to http: //localhost:8080/web/guest/home . This should log in as joebloggs

    This did not work

    2. Hooks to UserLocalService.authenticateByScreenName override

    a. In liferay-hook.xml


    b. Extend UserLocalServiceWrapper and use the custom class.

    public class UserService  extends  UserLocalServiceWrapper
        public int authenticateByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName, String password, Map headerMap, Map parameterMap, Map resultsMap)
    //Call external system to authenticate 
            String name = "";
            return SUCCESS;

    When I login, it should work with any password. It does not.

    3. auth.pipeline pre and check = false

    a. In portal-ext.properties


    b. Then, in

    public class AutoLoginCustom implements AutoLogin
    public String[] login(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
                throws AutoLoginException {
        public String[] login(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
    //Call external system to authenticate 
      credentials[0] = "joebloggs";
            credentials[1] = "undefined";
            credentials[2] = Boolean.TRUE.toString();
                return credentials;

    c. Deploy the project and restart the server. Go to http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home. Login using username and different password. It does not login. It does not even hit the debug point in the AutoLoginCustom java.

    4. LoginFilter In the liferay-hook.xml,


    In AutoLoginFilter

    public class AutoLoginFil implements Filter
        public void doFilter(ServletRequest arg0, ServletResponse arg1,
                FilterChain arg2) throws IOException, ServletException {
    //Call external system to authenticate 

    The debug filter is not called.

    Is there mistakes in any of these approaches and if yes, what is it and is there a different approach to do this? I had already looked at the following references.

    How do I use autologin in liferay?

    Liferay - AutoLogin + Authenticator - Get Credentials From Request Header

    I did some more playing around and i was able to figure out way to solve this.

    The answer for
    2. Hooks to UserLocalService.authenticateByScreenName override

    Step 1:


    Step 2:

    Extend UserLocalServiceWrapper and use the custom class.

    public class UserService  extends  UserLocalServiceWrapper
        public int authenticateByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName, String password, Map headerMap, Map parameterMap, Map resultsMap)
    //Call external system to authenticate 
              return Authenticator.SUCCESS;
             return Authenticator.FAILURE; 

    This works, when deployed.

    This was not working when I posted the question because:

  • I had Tomcat in the Servers. I deployed the project before making this change.
  • Once I made the update, I used the Liferay Plugin and deployed using Right Click Project -> Liferay-> deploy.
  • I was using the breakpoint in the code to see if it will catch it during login.
  • This was not caught because the Eclipse IDE I was using needs the project deployed through ReDeploy under Server and not the Liferay Plugin command.
  • When I deployed using the Eclipse Tomcat Server as well, it caught the breakpoint.

    The answer to

  • auth.pipeline pre and check = false

    In portal-ext.properties

    auth.pipeline.enable.liferay.check=false auth.pipeline.pre=com.test.CustomAuthenticator

    public class CustomAuthenticator implements Authenticator
        public int authenticateByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName, String password,
                Map<String, String[]> headerMap, Map<String, String[]> parameterMap) throws AuthException {
        //Call external system to authenticate 
            return Authenticator.SUCCESS;
            return Authenticator.FAILURE; 
  • This works too, but it worked only in JBoss, not in Tomcat. I deployed the portal-ext.properties in


    In JBoss EAP, it is under Liferay_Home. It might not have picked up the property in Tomcat, but did in JBoss.

    The other possible solutions posted in the question might work too, but I did not explore everything to find the mistakes in the configuration.

    If there is any comment or question about these solutions, please post and I ll be happy to provide further step. Thank you.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/60164.html

    上一篇: ldap和liferay密码策略

    下一篇: 在没有密码的情况下登录Liferay用户