Embedding open graph video doesn't use video player
I've been in, around, and through a good chunk of the internets looking for an answer to this:
I'm trying to embed a video in Facebook using the og:video tag, but despite the fact that the facebook linter keeps showing 'status: Video embedding on Facebook enabled', when it shows up in my feed, clicking on it always opens a new window instead of showing it in the video player. It does show a little play icon, but it acts like a link rather than a video.
I've tried it with an swf url that works when i hit it, i've tried it with an mp4 video, I've tried https, http, etc. My og tags are pretty much exactly like this example I see at http://ahrengot.com/playground/circular-scrubbing/ (theres a good tutorial at http://ahrengot.com/tutorials/custom-video-player-on-facebook/).
Do I need to associate it with an app (have tried that and just using my user id in fb:admins), and if so, what kind of settings do I need to set to make it show up in a video player? Do I need to set up a canvas url?
I'm using flowplayer.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: it seemed to spontaneously start working after trying for 8 hrs. Does facebook do some kind of testing/caching of the target before it allows the embed?
是的,我不知道多久..但更新Facebook的特定URL的缓存,运行它通过调试器(以前的URL林特)@ http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
Might also be SSL related. If you have secure browsing enabled on FB it will launch your video in a new window. The link of the video you are embedding with og:video is using "http" and not "https".
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/60388.html上一篇: 除非禁用SSL,否则无法在Facebook墙上播放嵌入的视频
下一篇: 嵌入开放式图形视频不使用视频播放器