Cucumber: How to use the same regex in different transforms?
I have the following Transform:
Transform /^"([^"]+)" Phase$/ do |name|
# Returns the phase named 'name',
# or raises an exception if it doesn't exist
which works with step definition like this:
Then /("(?:[^"]+)" Phase) should do something/ do |phase|
# Should fail if the specified phase doesn't exist
I have also the following step definition which uses the same "([^"]+)" Phase
Given /("([^"]+)" Phase) follows ("([^"]+)" Phase)/ do |pre, post|
# Should create the specified phases
Here I don't want the step definition to fail if the specified phases doesn't exist. I would like to create the phases instead.
I would like to create a Transform that will create the phase for me to DRY up the step definitions a bit, but I can't do so because I already have the Transform mentioned above which has exactly the same regexp.
Basically, I would like to create the phase if it is a Given
step, and raise fail if it is not.
Any ideas?
If the regexps are the same, then you don't really have an option to differentiate the behaviour. Determining whether or not you're in a Given
step might be possible, but even if so, it would be some very well-hidden magic with the potential to surprise future readers and scenario authors...
The easiest, and most intention-revealing way to do this would be to explicitly state the nature of the Phrase in the step language, then you can have 2 clearly-separated transforms eg
EXISTING_PHASE = Transform /^existing Phase "([^"]+)"$/ do |phase|
# raise error if it doesn't exist
UNEXISTING_PHASE = Transform /^unknown Phase "([^"]+)"$/ do |phase|
# create the phase if it doesn't exist
上一篇: 算术例外,数字溢出或字符串截断